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Weight Loss

Weight loss and body recomposition needn't be complicated. With millions of UK citizens seeking to improve their health through exercise and diet there is now a multi-billion pound market ready to provide a plethora of options, each professing that their strategy is the best, the only one to consider.

That is if course just not the case. The reality is some strategies will work for some
people, some will not, and some are just not viable strategies at all. The typical regimented fad diet, book or cookie cutter diet plan simply cannot cater to individuals.
For any strategy to be truly effective it needs to take in to account the needs of the consumer and must have sufficient planning to work around the consumer's lifestyle.

At Leeds Nutrition we can help you understand what will work for you. We provide a range of services tailored to the individual that will empower and give you the necessary knowledge to reach you goals and maintain those in the long term.
All of our services include an initial consultation, either face to face or via video call to ensure we have a full understanding of you and your goals.

If you would like to find out more please contact via email at

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